Thannyo De Freitas


Panamanian artist Thannyo De Freitas Navarro paints mesmerizing, but romanticized depictions of untouched forests and boundless landscapes as commentary on the topic of deforestation.

Who is artist thannyo de freitas?

Born in 1976 in Colón, Panamá, Thannyo De Freitas Navarro is a Panamanian artist whose landscape paintings center the global issue of deforestation.


Artist Thannyo grew up with a deep connection to artistic expression and nature. Inspired by the natural landscapes of Panamá, Thannyo begin painting with passion. Participating in numerous art competitions, over time Thannyo refines his artistic style, earning him a scholarship to the University of Panama. Graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, the artist gained formal art education in both drawing and painting.


Through his art, Thannyo explores themes of deforestation in Panama, painting romanticized depictions of untouched forests and boundless landscapes. Thannyo’s contemporary landscapes are similar to Cuban painter Tomás Sánchez's style, who was known for his modern pastoral scenes. Like Sánchez, Thannyo's art features sharp detail and realistic color use, often with a surrealist touch.


A significant theme in Thannyo’s work is the Guayacán tree (Guaiacum Sanctum), also known as Lignum Vitae or “wood of life.” This tree symbolizes strength, resilience, and healing, reflecting Thannyo’s belief in the integral role of nature in human life. His detailed and recurring depictions of the Guayacán tree, often showing its roots, symbolize unseen strength and interconnectedness.


Thannyo advocation for transparency and vulnerability encourages self-expression and candor over conformity. Through his art, he invites viewers to foster a deeper appreciation for nature, inner peace, and a greater care for the earth and ourselves.


Thannyo’s work is showcased in Panama, New York City, El Salvador, Sao Paulo, and the Dominican Republic.
