Eric Alfaro: Artist Spotlight: Atlanta Art Exhibition

27 February - 21 March 2025

Carousel Fine Art presents Eric Alfaro an artist spotlight on Cuban Contemporary artist, Eric Alfaro. The Atlanta art exhibition takes place in Buckhead Village on Feburary 27th, marking the gallery's first 2025 Art Exhibition. 

The Buckhead Village art gallery will be transformed into an extension of Eric Alfaro's canvas. Spotlighting the artist's three different series, "Wildflowers," "The Fishbowl Study," and the figurative "Story of Nostalgia," the spotlight shares the spectrum of Alfro's artistic prowess. 



Exploring new subject matter with the newest series “Wildflowers," Alfaro paints different flora all rendered in bright and soft colors. Applying layers of paint with different spatulas and paintbrushes, Alfaro achieves an incredible sense of dimensionality. The resulting realism captures nature's delicate interplay of form, texture, and color.


"The Fishbowl Koi Study"

"For years I have been painting landscapes of lily ponds, and this new series is like the evolution, or new variant of that theme. On this occasion, the protagonists of the works are the koi,"  —Eric Alfaro 


"Story of Nostalgia" 

Expanding on his initial portraiture study, Alfaro turns to the figure as an emblem of emotion and nostalgia. Featuring anonymous figures wearing the timeless fashion classic, denim, Eric's figures remind many viewers of a time of adolescence and naivety.


Who is Eric Alfaro?

Eric is an emerging contemporary star, known for his unique painting style. Painting a range of subject matter, Alfaro's gestural approach is what sets him apart. Building a visceral texture, the artist adds a unique sense of dimensionality and transience to his art style.


Classically trained at the Academy of Arts, the painter blended his classical training with contemporary influences. With this technique, Eric Alfaro's oil paintings bridge the gap between Modern Art and Contemporary Art.
