Larisa Safaryan


“I started using [the] unconventional and fragile medium, [eggshell] because it resembles the fragility of life. I can show through my works how beautiful and ephemeral that fragility can be,“ Larisa Safaryan. 

Who is artist larisa safaryan?

Armenian artist Larisa Safaryan is known for creating art with an extremely unconventional and delicate medium: eggshells. As an artistic innovator, Safaryan is the first to work with this medium, producing work unlike anything currently found in the art world.


One might ask, why does Larisa Safaryan work with eggshells? The answer lies in the strength and fragility of the medium. For Larisa, the smooth surface of an eggshell becomes the artist’s “canvas” to explore themes of life, renewal, and rebirth.


Despite the delicacy of her medium, Larisa Safaryan’s art retains a sense of intensity. The dual nature of her works, which are both elaborate yet simple, harmonious, and elegant, heightens the uniqueness of her art form.


Born in Yerevan, Armenia, Larisa Safaryan never attended formal art education. However, throughout her upbringing, she was inspired by her father, the wood sculptor Nairi Safaryan. Despite her passion for art, Larisa first graduated with master's degrees in Psychology and Public Management. Afterwards, she began pursuing art professionally, blending her passion for art with her background in psychology and management. The result is art that offers a unique perspective on people and the world, infusing her work with both innovation and emotional depth.


The absence of a formal artistic education has allowed Larisa to develop her own techniques and methods of self-expression, establishing herself as one of today's most inventive artists. Her art displays a masterful command of color. Through meticulous attention to detail, strict concentration, and surgical precision, Safaryan breathes organic life into each piece, evoking emotions ranging from disbelief to elation in viewers.


Currently living and working in Los Angeles, California, Larisa Safaryan is an artistic innovator who is setting a new standard that transcends the boundaries of contemporary art.
