Craig Alan


Atlanta-based artist, Craig Alan blends surrealism with pop art, painting recognizable subjects from popular culture, but with a twist. These subjects are made up of, and sometimes accompanied by, dozens—sometimes hundreds—of very tiny but meticulously detailed human figures.

Born in 1971 in San Bernardino, California, and raised in the Atlanta area, Craig Alan is an artist whose creative journey began with crayons on his parents' walls. By the age of seven, his innate capacity for visual interpretation became undeniable.


Craig Alan maintains a constant theme of connectivity throughout his artistic ouvre. From nondescript urban landscapes to technology and pop-culture, his paintings delve into the interconnection between society and our everyday experiences. Alan's artworks create layers of messages, engaging viewers to uncover its meanings.


While accepting a soccer scholarship at the University of Mobile, AL, Craig Alan's artistic spark ignited during an introductory pottery class. This experience earned him an area award for academic excellence, and one of his pieces was featured in the prestigious exhibition "Art with a Southern Drawl," chosen from more than 1,600 submissions.


Throughout his career, Alan's artistic evolution reflects a combination of textbook knowledge and aesthetic sense. His approach has transitioned from a "slow and studied" application to a more instinctive and "fast and free" style. Alan's diverse collections encompass abstract expressionism and graphic realism, each piece a reflection of his unique vision.


Notably, Craig is acclaimed for his Populus series, inspired by a balcony overlooking Orange Beach, Alabama. The series originated from observing patrons at a wedding party forming the shape of an eye where they stood. In order to create his subjects Craig Alan paints hundreds of meticulously detailed miniature figures. The result are witty statements that picture famous figures, concepts, and popular entertainment.
